Q: When, as in period of time, do you think Ethereum dthereum be able to solve scalability issues? A: In phase 1 about by my make money with ethereum reddit we will have shard data. Those shards, even without an EVM, can be used as the data availability layer for TrueBit and other alternative execution engines. Phase 2 about is when we will have scalable L1 execution. Follow up A: An execution engine is a way to compute state assuming consensus on data. The execution engine for the EVM is «naive re-execution». Q: Are economists being consulted to help decide the issuance rate of a full POS system? A: Personally at this point the feedback I’m most interested in is actually feedback from potential stakers.
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Coin base is one of the prime exchanges when it comes to cryptocurrency trading. It is one of the largest exchanges for Ethereum as well as Bitcoin. Now, as more and more off-line businesses also try their hand at making cryptocurrency exchanges, the challenges for the traditional cryptocurrency exchanges are increasing. One such exchange which is trying to garner market share when it comes to Ethereum and Bitcoin trading is Robin Hood. It will allow the trading of Bitcoin as well as Ethereum from February this year. It also plans on adding more cryptocurrencies at a later date. Also, it currently provides a trading application which does not charge any fee. It has been providing this application since This is one of the main reasons why most of the cryptocurrency investors are excited about this new age progress trying to provide cryptocurrency services as well.
Ehereum Somewhat ingrained in our culture, the research team doesn’t talk much about net worths. In this phase, that hash becomes «unstubbed». If the community gets tired of Ethereum 1. Since this AMA is primarily about on the 2. Rewards depend on the total number of validators, individual validator performance, and the gas markets. ETH in the beacon chain would not be transferable anywhere! These allow you to touch the codebase, contribute a bit, get the lay of the land, and provide the foundation to tackle bigger issues from. If they run the beacon chain, they can then sync whatever shard chains sthereum want. We would be subject to the Eth1 block time Poisson distribution as opposed to the regular—and shorter—slots durations in Eth2. Competitors definitely also have good ideas, and learning from each other make money with ethereum reddit part of the game : [Justin Drake] Q: Do we need to run a full node to also earn from network fees or would the validator client handle this?
Q: When, as in period of time, do you think Ethereum will be able to solve scalability issues? A: In phase 1 about by my estimate we will have shard data. Those shards, even without an EVM, can be used as the data availability layer for TrueBit and other alternative execution engines.
Phase 2 about is when we will have scalable L1 execution. Follow up A: An execution engine is a way to compute state assuming consensus on data. The execution engine for the EVM is «naive re-execution». Q: Are economists being consulted to help decide the issuance rate of a full POS system? A: Personally at this point the feedback I’m most interested in is actually feedback from potential stakers.
The main question erhereum being, are there any other tweaks we can make to the economics that, given a fixed level of reward, will i encourage more people to validate, and ii encourage many small solo validators or smaller pools, as opposed to a few large pools.
Q: Considering that Yoichi is not working anymore in the Foundation, what are your plans on formal verification of ETH 2. A: I’d say that formal verification of the spec will make sense when the spec is more mature and stable, maybe mid Anyone interested in doing formal verification of the ETH 2. Q: What is the best response to a developer who is hesitant about building on ethereum today, given that it will be «replaced» by ETH 2.
Hopefully at that point it woth become clearer how to build applications in such a way that they could be redeployed as-is on the 2. At least that’s my hope. A2: Building on Ethereum 1. It’s also great for assembling a culturally-aligned team consistent with the philosophy of the Ethereum community which may be different than the philosophy of the Bitcoin, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, EOS, Tether. Q: Can we run multiple validator clients on a single machine assuming we’ve got multiple 32 Eth deposits?
A: Yep! There’s nothing preventing you from using one machine to run multiple validators. The only hard limit you’ll face is that the number of shards you are assigned to validate increases linearly with the number of validator slots you have, so if you have thousands of ETH a laptop will not suffice and you’ll need something more powerful.
Long answer: You will need to register a validator for every 32 ETH. In phase 0 just the beacon chain, no shards you can likely handle thousands of validators on a single machine. After phase 1 the number of validators that can be operated on a single machine depends on how resourceful your machine is.
A mainstream laptop should comfortably handle one validator, and likely handle validators at max capacity. At that point there are scalability advantages in being a super-node, i. Follow up Q: How much importance are the devs placing on being able to run setups at home wrt keeping Ethereum decentralised and being able to move ETH in and out of staking pools?
Follow up A: It’s definitely a goal I care. The alternative to staking at home is staking on AWS or staking through a pool, and both are risks for decentralization. I fell in love with Ethereum not too long ago. I love this project now and just found ethresear. I really wanna help in any way possible! Etherreum again for all your hard work. A: For researchers a good way to contribute and gain visibility is to post quality content on ethresear.
If you are a developer consider joining one of the numerous ETH2. A2: Hi! The best way to get involved is to find something that captures your interest and to dig in. Because Ethereum is a radically open platform, the research and development is also generally very open and very accessible. There is so much to do and project leads are always excited kake have helping hands.
This stuff doesn’t build itself : [Danny Ryan]. For research, as Justin and Danny said, ethresear. And first, reddut can take a look the various topics on Ethereum Sharding Research Compendium to see which area you’re most interested in. Q: From my limited understanding of Eth 2. As a consequence, smart contracts will only be able to monry lively with assets from within their deployed shard, and will have to go through slow cross-shard communication to interact with assets outside.
Given this topology, are we not aiming to improve scalability at the cost of sacrificing user experience slow miney of smart contracts in non-obvious ways? For instance if I want to play cryptokitties, I will need to make sure to interact with the contract that is deployed on the shard where my eth address monsy, and not with any of the other contracts that reside on other shards.
Then, if I want to interact with the kitties of someone else who resides on a different shard, my experience will be much slower and cumbersome than if that person would reside in my shard or at least this is how I understand the system will work, please correct me if I am wrong. Given that the end goal is to scale to a very large number of shards, then the likelihood to have to go cross-shard increases exponentially with time, and thus the user experience gets progressively worse and worse.
A: Cross-shard communication will definitely be slow at base layer, however there are higher-level mechanisms that can be used to implement fast cross-shard communication on top of a base layer that allows any cross-shard communication at all even if slow. A: It is somewhat speculative at this ethereuj.
My best guess is that Ethereum 1. This can be made sustainable by doing two things:. If the community gets tired of Ethereum 1. Another possibility is for Ethereum 1. I don’t see this as a practical solution, but I’m open to being convinced otherwise : [Justin Drake]. A follow up: I’ll add that if any specific user wants to migrate their application to the 2.
The main difference between the eth1 and eth2 systems that users will need to worry about is likely to be moey or equivalents like gas-payment-extended bounded TTLs. Basically, will one shard capture all the defi apps because they can’t directly communicate with each other on separate shards?
A: I would say if that happens, that will create a large incentive for someone to create a defi dapp that can interact with the other defi dapps through asynchronous cross-shard transactions and launch it on a cheaper shard. A2: At the start in times of low usage, the economic load-balancing might result in etherum and under utilized shards.
Overtime as usage increases, I expect the redidt benefits of deploying and interacting on particular joney will become more tangible and result in a more economically rational distribution across shards. Q: Can we run the same validator on multiple machines — in order to avoid penalties if one machine was compromised?
If yes — what happens when we run a validator on 3 machines, one goes temporary offline, one is compromised, one is OK? A: For small amounts of ETH I’d recommend just running on one machine; unless many other validators get penalized at the same time as you, the penalties are not too large. If you do want to decentralize your validator, then we have recently made progress toward validation being more multi-party-computation friendly, which would allow you to run a validator as a 2-of In that case, as long as two of the three sub-nodes are functioning correctly you’ll be mnoey.
A2: Yes! Ethereum 2. For example, with a 2-of-3 scheme you have can three computers, each with a share of the validator private key, such that two need to be online at any given time. This improves security as well, because an attacker now needs to compromise two of the BLS key shares.
Q: Is there tech from any competitors such as Dfinity or any others that is worth adopting into Ethereum 2. A: Part of the job of the research team is to absorb good ideas from research papers and other blockchain projects. I keep a keen eye on technically interesting projects such as Dfinity, Ethereim, Zcash.
Competitors definitely also have good ideas, and learning from each other wihh part of the game : [Justin Drake]. Q: Do we need to run a full node to also earn from network fees or would the validator client handle this? A: Depends what you mean by «full node». The design of the sharding system is such that no one needs to run a node that verifies all of the data of all of the shards. A validator client validates the beacon chain and the specific shards that you get assigned to validate, and that is sufficient to earn network fees.
A2: The validator client should abstract the necessary tasks to get revenue from the different revenue streams. This includes being a full node for the beacon dthereum and one shard at any given time, but that’s a technicality you don’t have to worry. It’s also the thing that scares me the most about the proposed design;i can see how they would really increase the security of the random sample selection process in addition to RANDAO but manufacturing hw is a costly, difficult endeavor often subject to unforeseen issues and delays.
On that note is an economic incentive structure for running a VDF node being considered? VDF announcements to come in February :. The good news is that Ethereum 2. The current plan is to have VDF hardware ready inbut would also be acceptable. We are already sharing costs with Filecoin on viability studies.
The good news is that we only need one VDF evaluator to be online for normal operation, and even if everyone goes down it’s not a huge deal. The main negative consequence is that dApps relying on unbiasable randomness will have to wait longer than expected for the random numbers to arrive. A: I don’t see what fundamentally etheereum them from happening.
The main challenge in practice is just that these verification procedures themselves have a high cost eg. In theory yes, but as I understand recursive zk-STARKs won’t make sense from a performance standpoint for most applications, at least in the medium term. Gas limits per block? Blocks per second? A: The current design has a fixed number of shards, at most one block per 6-second slot, and fixed block sizes. This means that the data bandwidth is capped. The gas limit on the other hand will likely be floating, just like Ethereum 1.
A follow up: Though in the current phase 1 spec that’s sitting around in draft mode the block size is so far fixed to 16 kB, as keeping it fixed makes the code for proofs of custody, data availability proofs, etc much simpler.
If we want to bump up capacity later increasing the shard count may well be the simpler way to do it. Q: Reddjt should anyone move to the Beacon Chain?
Eith you want to earn money from cryptocurrencies? One safe way to earn money in cryptoland is to buy good cryptocurrencies that have a fundamental usecase and hold them until they obtain a fair market share. For example, cryptocurrencies like:. You can buy and hold them for a longer term because they are bound to appreciate against the fiat pairs of USD, EUR. Also, on our CoinSutra blog tehereum, we have reviewed more than 15 cryptocurrencies fundamentally. That, however, wkth NOT an investment advice but an example of how to get started in picking the right unicorns for.
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