By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Having not played for a long time, finally picking up Horizons, and knowing Frontier likes to change how things work, I’m not sure what makes good money. Before I could Bounty Hunt and make pretty decent bank in a short time frame, but the systems I used to frequent now aren’t offering as much and also my weapons don’t seem nearly effective as they used to be Mining was under heavy changes when I did play 2. Passenger missions seem somewhat profitable, but also very time consuming if I accidentally pick the «wrong» passenger. Basic Mission board seems to have some chunks of k for a quick delivery or something, which doesn’t seem like much
Oh no. Frontier has nerfed long range passenger missions and the precious opulence is under fire. Well, I’ve been trying to inform the masses on my twitch stream, that this was bound to happen based on history. Remember Seeking Luxuries? Massacre Missions? Yeah, all nerfed now, but were great sources of Elite: Dangerous credits back in their prime. So, now what do you do Commander? Until the next loot cave emerges, here are some common credit making techniques that I’ve come across in my travels across the universe:. Old faithful. Back in year 1 of Elite: Dangerous, trading was top dog for credit making. Not much has changed in the realm of trading in Elite: Dangerous, but if you have the right tools, it can yield a good amount of credits. I highly recommend eddb. First off, what should you fly? Here are some suggested builds based on your available credits:.
You’ve picked a ship, but you now need a trade route. The best of the best is Imperial Slave trading. I know, it sounds ugly, and some players won’t touch Imperial Slave trading, but it is the absolute best trade money in the game. If you don’t want to touch Imperial Slaves, use eddb. EDDB offers several options such as trade loops, single trade routes, and Multi hop routes.
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So I checked out robigo mines since i made most of my money from there, but I found out that it got nerfed Plus the near by places people say have good missions don’t even have them. Get Cheap at best online store now!! Just a quick question really: Is RES farming still a viable way to make money? Target him and light his shit up. And just like in real life, money attracts money. Here there are reasonable product details. If everyone jumps on and plays and they make money off it, then they may do it for other regions etc. It’s not that there’s not things to advance to, it’s that the trader role is terribly boring at times. One more option for your online shopping Check the buying price of Elite Dangerous Money Making before obtain any store. So whats the best way to make money?? May 18, pm Don’t try to make money as fast as you can, because …. By creating an account with our store, you will be able to move through the checkout process faster, store multiple shipping addresses, view and track your orders in your account and more How do I look around? Things to Buy at this store. But during that time, I’ve mainly been trading and bounty hunting, while going out a thousand or so LY in an asp explorer twice.
Install Steam. Any suggestions on what to do once I get the clipper? Try route from Kamuy to Ananke. I also have an advance auto docker, saves time so as to plot the next trip. Second time checking.
Imagine my soon to be wives not belonging to this cult? Na this kind thing dey make me ginger my hustle make money dey yafu yafu so them go dey shakara up and down 🤣
Chukwu okike Biko let my wives to be understand that polygamy is the best way to go🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 pic.twitter.com/EO2kd3qgYK
— OnwaNnewi (@Kene_Nnewi) February 2, 2020
Long-Distance Transport Missions
Mining and Exploration will be far more enjoyable and detailed. Try route from Kamuy to Ananke. If everyone is having a problem dangoeruz high paying missions then i’ll either have to update this guide, or make a new one. Per page: 15 30 I have earned over a billion in this fashion and have never once been scanned returning to Robigo Mines. Wing Cargo Missions. View mobile website.
What’s new New posts Latest activity. Log in Register. Search titles. Word Count:. Search Advanced search…. New posts. Search forums. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Robigo Passenger Missions Bugged? Thread starter ZeroAi Start date Oct 21, Sadly, there hasn’t been enough legal passengers to avoid the illegal ones another design decision?
I used to do Robigo runs till next month. Most of the passengers were wanted. So what you describe looks like normal to me. Part of the high pay of these runs depends from the fact that the customers are wanted.
I’ve got a Python with a load out conducive to only hauling passenger from Robigo Mines to Sirus Atmospherics and. It is dry docked at Hauser until such time as I need addition funds. Though I’ve been interdicted a few times in the past two years, I’ve never ever been scanned at Robigo Mines.
My wagon has 8 passenger cabins, 3 size 6 business, 2 size 5, 1 size 4 and 2 size 3 all eco’s. I also have an advance auto docker, saves time so as to plot the next trip. I have no and never needed a shield generator. And with the assistance of a guardian fsd booster in addition to my own fsd engineered to g5 extended range. I do it in two jumps each way. I believe utilizing the right ship, one can haul one additional cabin, but it has to be from Hauser. But the issue there is and always has been unless one is extremely lucky; Is the scan that can and do occur.
There is one other station, a bit farther than Robigo Mines but the same size. Issue there is the constant interdiction that take place. Thus most experience player only utilze Robigo Mines. Interesseting i will try it the next das and give you feedback. One of the things I liked about not being scanned, or having all legal passengers, was it made doing the time consuming and repetitive missions easy enough to do while also running on my treadmill — add in silent running and popping heat sinks and it gets a little complicated to do while running at 6mph, at least for this old guy lol.
Oh well, with carriers being postponed there’s no need to bank all those credits so I’ll just find something else to do — can’t bring myself to waste another minutes for no gain Dispose said:. Last edited: Oct 23, Ok i tried it in the singelplayer mode, no scan and i had a lot of seedy guys in my cabines.
But i have a good reputation to all fractions maybe this is the difference. Hope this help you, see you their commander. A couple of weeks ago I was doing a lot of these, but there were very very few illegals. No interdictions, no scanning, nada. Are these missions availability criminals maybe affected by faction states?
Why Hauser’s Reach? The money is to be made running passenger missions from Robigo Mines in a medium-landing-pad capable Python ship. I have earned over a billion in this fashion and have never once been scanned returning to Robigo Mines. More illegal passenger missions available. JetsonRING said:. Speedcuffs said:. Hauser’s is also in a bad gravity. The Python will have to be fitted out for maximum jump if you want to make the trip in 2 jumps each way, I did it by under-sizing some modules and light-weighting.
I also made Sirius A5 I think it is and Robigo my first top of list bookmarks by adding a 1 and 2 to the beginning of their labels in the Galaxy Map. This way if interdicted never happened I can quickly select one or the other as a Hi-wake destination and get out of Dodge. Pro tip: Buy a passenger cabin the same size as your fuel-scoop while in the bubble. When you reach RM have it transported, run a couple of missions while waiting for it to arrive and when it does, switch out your fuel scoop for the extra passenger cabin, just do not forget to buy fuel each lap.
Also, leave all your passenger cabins stored at RM when finished as this will increase your jump-range on the trip back to the bubble as well as keep all the correct size and class of cabins available at RM anytime you want to drop by and earn some extra credits.
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Mass Transport Missions
Global Achievements. I was tempted with the pasenger missions from Robigo Can anyone sugest anything as good in the bubble Last edited by meme ; 17 Jul, am. Showing 1 — 13 of 13 comments. Costa View Profile View Posts. What ships do you have? Anaconda, corvette, the new Kriat 2 thing Its ok, what you have is good. I recommend wing «search» missions or passengers, both can be done with your Anaconda. I made 45 million soloing one of this wing search missions, you only have to be friendly with the faction and maybe have a little of rank in trade. Sightseeing missions take too long. Aeryk View Profile View Posts. Just buy the gold on the auction house.
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