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Does executive asssistant make alot of money

does executive asssistant make alot of money

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2. Figure out what kind of assistant you need.

An executive assistant can increase their salary by obtaining formal education through a certification program or bachelor’s degree program. Asking to take on additional responsibilities, especially those requiring a new or more complex skill set, can also position you to earn salary increases in your current or future position. Find jobs Company reviews Find salaries. Upload your resume. Sign in. Executive assistant Explore career information by location. Search Location. How much does an Executive Assistant make in the United States? Where can an Executive Assistant earn more? Compare salaries for Executive Assistants in different locations. Explore Executive Assistant openings Compare.

Most Common Industries

Best-paid skills and qualifications for Executive Assistants. Top fields of study Law Degree. Top licenses Certified Notary Public. Top skills Financial Services. Salaries by qualifications. Fields of study Licenses Skills. Top Fields of study Salary.

does executive asssistant make alot of money

Average Salary

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From the Indeed Career Guide

In the never-ending quest for increased profitability, greater efficiency or just feeling less overwhelmed on a daily basis, finding the ideal assistant is a critical growth step for every entrepreneur or small business owner. We all dream of finding that perfect person who can read our minds, get the work done as fast, do it as assssistant as we could, take the little annoyances off our plates, and maybe even become a fun and trusted colleague.

In most small businesses, everyone wears many hats. First, you need to untangle what you do now that could be delegated. It pays off later, really! Look at this doew of highlighted items. Obviously, no. After a week, you have a very clear list of things that you really ought to be having someone else.

Print and review the list. Dropping off shipments at the post office is something that must be done, but buying supplies can be handled online from. So can answering the phone. Just use a routing system like Grasshopper. If so, then you will need a person in your space. A part-time or full-time assistant will likely need access to a computer, a phone and a printer, at a desk.

Anyone in your physical space — home or office — is also going to need a clean bathroom, a parking space and probably access to a fridge. The tax and insurance requirements change with an in-person assistant, so check with your local government.

A virtual assistant can be anywhere in the world, and are increasingly common because they are flexible and economical. Cloud executivf and other technology means people can and do work from. Some virtual assistants sell their time in packets, such as 15 hours a week or 40 hours a month. If you hire someone in another time zone, work can be delegated at the end of the day and it will be ready when you come in the next morning.

They are more of a generalist and may do many diverse tasks. This person might post to your business qlot media pages, order office supplies, field incoming calls and keep the files organized. Oof training process will be minimized eexcutive if you start out with the right person, with the right expectations. Write and post your ad for an assistant in more than one location. In his seminal book Your Virtual Asssustantauthor-entrepreneur Alan Blume advises would-be employers to include all the information in the ad to attract the highest qualified candidates.

When you write your ad, include the list of tasks from Step One at the. For example:. The genius bit: The second instruction matters the most! Since an assistant must be quite detail-oriented, you want someone who pays attention and who has read the whole thing. If these directions are not followed, delete the email application unread.

The decision to hire an assistant is a big one. The three steps above will help you find and hire the right assistant. Entrepreneur Media, Inc. In order to understand how people use our site generally, and to create more valuable experiences for you, we may collect data about your use of this site both directly and through our partners.

By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to the use of that data. For more information on our data policies, please visit our Privacy Policy. Podcasts Books Entrepreneur Insurance. Personal Assistant. What sort of assistant do you need? Read this guide before you make a hire. Next Article — shares Add to Queue. Image credit: Ariel Skelley Getty Images. Wendy Keller. VIP Contributor. November 28, 9 min read. Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their.

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Here’s What You Should Know. It Needs a New Executive.

1. Figure out what you want to delegate.

An executive assistant must be ready to help the executive for whom she works at a moment’s notice. An executive assistant is the administrative assistant or secretary tasked with high-level support for one or more top executives. These assistants may be responsible for more important jobs than regular clerical staff and lower-ranked administrative assistants, such as research and reports, and mkae may schedule meetings for company executives. They may also supervise the lower-ranked assistants.

How Much Does an Executive Assistant Make?

According to the U. Executive assistants were most often found in local government and miney education, according to the BLS, with these industries employing 72, and 70, workers, respectively. The U. New York, however, was the best-paying state. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In3, people were employed in the U. Eric Strauss spent mlney years as a newspaper copy editor, eventually serving as a deputy business editor at «The Star-Ledger» in New Jersey before transitioning into academic communications. His byline has appeared in several newspapers and websites.


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