Coins are a virtual currency in Club Penguin Oenguin that can be earned by playing games and Codes. Coins can be used to buy clothes, igloos, pets and so on. You receive coins when you create a penguin. You can earn coins by playing games, mining at the Cave Mineor using codes. Codes expire after a set amount of time so make sure to check this list often! Sign In Don’t have an account?
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Post a Comment. Tutorials Episode 3 — How to earn coins quickly Top 5 ways! Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup! In a new post today! Extra way: Book Codes This is a quick way to earn coins that only applies to those who have not yet unlocked books. Well, there are currently 7 books that can be unlocked. That would be about 7, coins for your account quickly. To unlock the books, click here. I hope all these forms help you get many coins in the game. I really enjoy doing this post, and of course if you have doubts or your own methods to earn coins easily and quickly do not hesitate to comment on the publication. Etiquetas: Episode 3 , September , Tutorials. No comments:. Newer Post Older Post Home.
Cart Surfer
But you have to get past atleast level 5. I am trying to get a club penguin money maker too!!! Pizzatron is kind of hard but if you do very good you will be able to get about 1, coins. Katie Lv 4. Main Penguin name: Eric E. If you want to meet me in club penguin, my name is kudree ill be in christmas.
I have been trying to get a money maker for months!!! I tried to download one, but all i get is «not found, error «. Please help me!!! If you want a money maker, then follow these steps: 1. Go to google 2. Type in «club penguin money maker» 3. There will be a lot of choices, but choose the 5th one 4. Follow the steps to get more coins on club penguin 5. Please, and go to the «cp money maker» question and help me go to a money maker that works.
Guys the reason why the money makers don’t work anymore is that disney had found out and blocked all of them!!! I have a money maker once and it worked, but disney banned my penguin forever because of the money maker!!! Besides, it is like against the law to get a ree money maker, if you don’t believe me. Then go and see the club penguin rules and they will say «do no use any hacks or any money maker». I just said «ree» insted of «free»!!! Wha the heck is going on with my computer?!.?
You’re a meanie and rude to others! The reason why the money makers don’t work anymore is that they are out of date. You need the latest version of it. I think that you need the latest vesion of the cp money maker. Or you can get penguin storm. I am trying to get a club penguin money maker too!!! And everytime i try to open one, it says «sorry, but this is out of date». X i can’t take it when people update money makers for no reason!!!
I am gonna use penguin storm instead! Are you sure billybob’s cheat page works? Cause everytime i go there, it says that «this site is unavailable». To get more coins on club penguin, follow these steps: Log in to your penguin Go to your igloo Type in «brodem show» Everytime you log in, you earn 10, coins!!! Private messages My forums Cheat book Go to control panel. Username: Password: What game makes you the most money on club penguin.
Activate account! My forums Cheat book Go to control panel. Prev question. Next question. Back to questions list. Top cheats View all. Top guides View all. G’s Secret Mission by woodenrock. Top trainers View all. Penguin Storm 11! Club Penguin Question and Answers :. You bastard we were gonna get a free realm. None of the money makers work. Tried everything, nothing works.
You know what really works You just need the latest version, that’s why. For money makers and codes, go to billybob’s cheat page for cheats and codes. Just go to google, type in club penguin money makers, choose the 3rd one, and your.
Use penguin storm instead! It has better money makers than the others! Nobody knows which money maker works. I don’t know it. They have a lot of money makers that do work on yahoo. Get them. Can you guys just choose penguin storm already?
It has a money maker. You bastards who don’t know how to get in a money maker need to choose penguin storm. I need a money maker too but i can’t. Also, can someone give me a macbook air i need one.
Sorry, to fulfil this action you have to be CheatsGuru User. Make your own CG account! Enter in your CG account! Close this form. Your answer: Title: Text: You answer contain links, please input secret code from picture. Any money makers??? D: Posted: oct 10, pm 0 Reply Subscribe Abuse.
Unregistered 0. Thanks Posted: oct 11, pm. Posted: oct 11, pm. Who is gonna agree with me? Is anyone gona agree with me? Posted: oct 11, pm edited by Author oct 11, pm. Benny ur lieing 2 us. I tried it and it said «error «. Posted: oct 12, am. Get them now Posted: oct 12, am. Posted: oct 12, pm. Posted: may 07, pm. You answer contain links, please input secret code from picture.
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Every penguin needs coins to mojey good stuff and the only way to get coins in Club Penguin is by playing the games. But some games are much better than others for getting coins quickly. Pengjin favorite two ways are with Pizza Tron and Cart Surfer. I have done a lot of testing with both and here are my results. Cart Surfer is a very fast game that is very challenging.
Pizza Tron 3000
You perform tricks to earn points while riding in a mining cart. The game is very quick and usually only lasts about 90 seconds 1. The key to getting the most points in Cart Surfer is to ghe the course and perform only qhat different tricks. Those are the backflip and the spin-in-air tricks. It is very important to alternate these tricks never do the same trick twice in a row so that you always get the most points. If you do this right, you will get points for each backflip and 80 points for each spin. You should also grind on the turns and get anywhere from points on. It will take you about two minutes to play the game and reload it so you can play 30 times and earn about 12, coins per hour. Pizza Tron is a great game that lasts about 6 minutes.
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