We can clearly see that some want to cripple the people and strip us of our rights, Not to mention, Allow drug and sex traffickers to move unhindered through our borders. It is widely believed that many have voted to make cuts in every single category besides their own pay because they do NOT care about the people or America as politiciqns only care to get rich and do NOT care. They do not impose higher taxes on the rich because they fit in that tax bracket and would rather see the poor foot the. What on earth do they do? All they do is pance about running from one continent to another having luxury holidays at the tax payers expense! They make a big deal out of nothing, Turn it into public concern and get themselves booted out after 4 or 8 years but in the meantime time, Make millions for doing nothing but cause trouble. I do an actual job that requires hard work. It’s long hours. I hate it. And I can only just afford to feed my children. Whereas they sit around the house noney commons falling asleep wearing a suit.
The Agenda. The Big Idea. Singapore is unique in lots of ways, but one of them is very striking: Singapore has by far the highest paid public officials in the world. In Singapore, the salaries are seen as an anti-corruption measure, and also a way to attract the kind of brains that otherwise end up in finance or consulting. In the U. When Virginia Rep. To measure the tug-of-war, they created a model that looked at how rival candidates, voters, and special interests jockey for political advantage. They used principles of game theory to simulate how the different actors would likely change their behaviors as incentives changed. Ultimately they determined that more compensation should, indeed, produce more attentive public servants and more citizen-friendly policies.
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They did look at some actual data on gubernatorial salaries and found that in states where governors earn more money, the minimum wage tends to be higher and corporations tend to contribute a higher share of overall state tax revenue — policies, in other words, that favor rank-and-file voters over large business interests. So is it time to bump up political salaries? It tends to be politically toxic for politicians to be seen giving themselves raises — in the Pennsylvania legislature granted itself a pay bump in a middle-of-the-night vote that was later cited as the main reason a large cohort of representatives lost their jobs in the next election cycle. In other places around the country, political salaries are on the move. As a way to boost compensation, it was an easier route than trying to raise salaries. City Councilor Chris Coleman has helped to drive the effort, which he views as necessary in order to attract quality candidates for office. It also, he thinks, could increase accountability. Efforts to raise compensation for elected officials have either recently been completed or are currently underway in places like Arkansas; Texas; New York; Detroit; Albuquerque, New Mexico; and Des Moines. Even if successful, however, salaries will still be closer to a living wage than they are to the kind of stratospheric pay that Singapore uses to attract top MBAs and other high achievers to government service. And what about those congressional salaries? Salary aside, the benefits of holding high office are already quite large.
2020 Elections
Latest Issue. Past Issues. Congress is rich. How rich? So who has the most Benjamins? Darrell, Nancy, or Mitch? Here’s what the list tells us about our legislators. In , the Center for Responsive Politics found that the median congressman was worth more than one million dollars. Nor is congressional wealth a new phenomenon. Presidential candidates face the same hurdles. Darrell Issa made his money through managing his company, but he has since moved most of his wealth into the bond market. Congressional wealth comes from many different places, but one thing links it together: These lawmakers, unlike most of their constituents, do not draw the bulk of their income from a paycheck. In , the median U.
Free Thinker Lv 7. Furthermore, police officers, firefighters, and doctors save lives while risking their own for a fraction of what sports stars make. You can sign in to vote the answer. Dylan M. It’s truly a pity that none of these true heroes are given the same recognition by society as athletes such as Brett Favre or Michael Jordan are given. They can only earn big salaries for a very short time and many of them retire at the age of thirty. Paying such huge sums of money means that your tickets for the game are more expensive. And, because we love to watch their fantastic exploits, they are also more famous and richer than all of us. Boy arrested after 4 people killed in Utah shooting. Tiger Woods, along with many other professional athletes, certainly think so. Get a free English lesson every week!
The Atlantic Crossword
For the schooling they need, the years of schooling,The hours they. Those who believe that athletes are overpaid also argue that no individual, even if they are talented, should earn so much when other people are starving. It’s true that their careers don’t usually last as long time as other people’s. Anonymous Lv 5. Thousands of subscribers! Break time!
Do the rich make too much money?
Politicians earn and benefit far too much in our society. They are not only uplifted as gods in this contemporary environment, but they are paid like kings, receive far too many benefits after they quit and, ironically, those who make the policies receive the most from the. For retaining a position essentially based on the concept of civic duty, of serving this nation as a leader, members of Congress, in both the Senate and House of Representatives, are estimated to make three times the amount the average American salary.
The Takeaway
According to the U. Those numbers seem a bit disproportionate. Congress earns 80 percent of their salary as their retirement pension. All benefits are taxpayer-funded. Why should the average American earn less than the civic servant, especially when salary and retirement pensions rely on taxpayers to fund them?
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