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Burning crusade money making guide

burning crusade money making guide

Making gold on a Burning Crusade private server can either be easy or hard depending on the server and type. Some wow private servers have shops where you can buy gold or get vote points to exchange for gold, some are Blizzlike meaning that the drop rates and leveling are the same or similar to retail. Whether or not you farm can vary with the class you play. For dps classes it can be more profitable to farm then do dailies if you can concentrate and farm the right things. A couple notes on farming:. Depending on how crowded these spots are it all really comes down to that I can usually make anywhere from 80g when I have to farm humanoids to g When I get Burninb of Elements to myself an hour. The key is to not lose focus. The name of the game here is to buy low, sell guied. Instead of spending an hour on dailies, I spend an hour combing the auction house looking for things that are a fair bit cheaper then the average.

Leveling Guide

Herbalism Mining Skinning. Discovering ways to make money in World of Warcraft is an important part of getting the most enjoyment out of the game. There are many different and effective ways to make enough money for repairs , consumables , equipment , and other items. Some players attempt to purchase gold from third party gold sellers. This form of making money is against Blizzard ‘s terms of service and may lead to a permanent ban on an account. It may also lead to real world identity theft or theft of the purchaser’s WoW account depending on the reliability and intentions of the gold selling company. There are four major money making strategies: farming , crafting , daily quests and playing the auction house. The amount of gold earned depends on the dedication of the player, the economy of the auction house on the server, the server ratios of casual, serious, and hardcore players, and time periods surrounding a major patch. This guide covers many of the ins and outs of both making money, and spending it wisely.

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Many players have «secret» strategies for making money that they wouldn’t want to put in a public info site, since it gives them their edge in the marketplace. If you can gain the trust of a successful WoW tycoon, you should ask them some of their techniques. However, this guide covers many of the more common strategies. If you don’t want to read this entire article, but you’re primarily focused on how to get your mount at level 20, follow these steps. They will work for anyone, require no grinding sessions, and generally offer a high reward-to-time ratio:. If you follow this basic advice you should have no problem at paying for the mount at level 20, and you will always be able to afford skill training, food and potions along the way. You’ve started a new character with no alts for support, and you are dealing in the coppers level.

Re: Great Gold Farming Guide

Email Fox with your questions, or complain to him via the twetbox foxvanallen social networking facepage web-point-oh! Hello again. I guess that baby thing of his is still a baby. Hurry the hell up already, baby. Go out and get a damn job already, baby. Start pulling your damned weight around here! Though I played around in a bunch of different markets, I made the bulk of my money through inscription. That’s not the only profession that made me money, however.

Learn about these things and use them to your advantage. I agree with using ‘utility’ to describe certain specs. While it is true that gear is important particularly for melee combat characters , it is also true that an overemphasis on having great gear before maximum level is dumb. There are now many more folks level 70 and above. First I am going to list the assumptions my advice is based on. Some otherwise very good recipes drop far to often to hold value — Copper Chain Vest comes to mind. This has been helped along greatly by one piece of good fortune. I bought it even though at that time it was more than half my bankroll. If you don’t care about etiquette , you can make a small amount of money this way, but it isn’t as efficient as the regular and respectable ways of making money. Same thing could apply to leather, herbs or metal. As for money, I’m having to use every money making skill I have just to be able to afford my class skills.

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November 16, Leveling Guide The point of this guide is straightforward. However, I’m going to start with some points that may not be so straightforward for new players. If you have suggestions for this guide or questions, post them below! Contents I. Choose your race! Choose your class! Choose your leveling path! Helpful addons. Leveling Tips D o not buy skills from your trainers that you do not need.

Money will be hard to come by while you level up. This is the best way to earn money aside from doing quests while you level up. Y our top priority purchases from the Auction House should be bags 16 slot Netherweave are the most efficient purchase here so that you have plenty of space to store all of the items you’re going to pick up. M ake sure you collect every «flight point» you come across, for the sake of easy travel. You can identify these by the green exclamation marks over the NPC’s head or on your mini-map.

G athering professions are the easiest to make gold with early on in the game. If you want to use a crafting profession later in the game, you should get the gathering profession that pairs well with it. The gathering professions are Herbalism, Mining and Skinning. Y our first mount you can earn at level They are expensive, save up your gold for this! R emember that reputations decrease gold costs! S tamina is the best stat for helping you to survive against many mobs.

Y ou gain 1 talent point for every level starting at level Y ou can use lower rank spells to kill stuff and use up less mana! R emember to set your Hearthstone to a capital city so you can easily return there! Choosing your race! Aside from loving how a race appears, there are perks to playing a certain race. You can find those perks listed. Lasts until cancelled. While active, grants immunity to Bleed, Poison and Disease effects. Lasts 8 sec. Activate to slip into the shadows, reducing the chance for enemies to detect your presence.

Lasts until cancelled or moving. Night Elf Rogues and Druids with Shadowmeld are more difficult to detect while stealthed or prowling. Escape the effects of any immobilization or movement speed reduction effect. Heals the target for X damage over 15 sec. Lasts 15 sec.

Only works on Humanoid or Undead corpses within 5 yds. Any movement, action or damage taken will cancel the effect. Provides immunity to Charm, Fear and Sleep while active. May also be used while already afflicted by Charm, Fear or Sleep. Lasts 5 sec. Stuns up to 5 enemies within 8 yds for 2 sec. Lasts 10 sec. Silence all enemies within 8 yars for 2 sec. In addition, you gain X mana for each Mana Tap charge currently affecting you. Reduces target’s mana by X and charges you with Arcane energy for 10 min.

Burning crusade money making guide effect stacks up to 3 times. Choosing your class! Paladin Paladins specialize in using holy magic and can fill three roles: Healing HolyTanking Protection and Melee damage Retribution.

The Paladin provides a large variety of group buffs and auras to a group, and a variety of utility spells. The Holy Paladin specializes in single-target healing. The Protection Paladin specializes in tanking many targets at. The Retribution Paladin specializes in burst damage and maintaining buffs on allies and debuffs on enemies. Holy stats: Intellect, ‘mana per 5 sec’, bonus healing.

Use a spell damage weapon. Retribution stats: Strength, attack power, critical strike, hit rating, expertise. Agility can be useful as. Shaman Shamans specialize in elemental magic and totems, and can fill three roles: Healing RestorationMelee damage Enhancement and Ranged damage Elemental.

Like the Paladin, the Shaman can provide a large variety of group buffs through their totems. The Restoration Shaman respecializes in group healing. The Enhancement Shaman specializes in single-target melee damage and providing the almighty Windfury totem grants additional attacks for melee.

The Elemental Shaman specializes in single-target melee damage and providing spell haste and damage to their fellow casters. Restoration stats: Intellect, ‘mana per 5 sec’, bonus healing.

Enhancement stats: Agility, attack power, strength, critical strike, haste, hit rating, expertise. Elemental stats: Intellect, spell damage, haste, spell critical strike, spell hit rating and small amounts of ‘mana per 5 sec’.

Druid Druids specialize in nature magic and changing forms, and is the only class in the game that can fill all four roles: Tanking FeralMelee damage FeralHealing Restoration and Ranged damage Balance. A Druid’s specialization is in their versatility in their roles, and their ability to provide unique but very powerful abilities to a group Innervate for mana restore and Rebirth for a resurrection during combat.

The [Tanking] Feral Druid specializes in huge amounts of armor, dodge and health in addition to being a fairly versatile tank that can fill both the main-tank and off-tank roles when necessary. The [Melee] Feral Druid specializes in single-target damage and having massive amounts of attack power. The Restoration Druid specializes in heal-over-time HoT effects.

A Balance Druid specializes in single-target nuke damage at range. Feral [Tank] weapons: Staves. Feral [Damage] weapons: Staves or polearms.

Feral [Damage] stats: Agility, attack power, haste, critical strike, hit rating, expertise. Strength can be useful too, but minor. Balance stats: Intellect, spell damage, haste, spell critical strike, spell hit rating and small amounts of ‘mana per 5 sec’ and spirit.

Restoration stats: Intellect, bonus healing, spirit, ‘mana per 5 sec’. Hunter Hunters specialize in the ranged damage role, having a variety of pets which are tamed from the wild and using traps. All Hunter specializations focus on ranged damage, but have slightly different perks then can provide. A Beast Master Hunter specializes in having more powerful pets to help them deal damage.

A Marksmanship Hunter focuses on dealing the majority of their damage through their ranged weapon. A Survival Hunter specializes in providing some group buffs and having more effective traps. All Hunter stats: Agility, attack power, critical strike, haste, hit rating and small amounts of intellect and ‘mana per 5 sec’. Mage Mages specialize in the ranged damage role by bringing arguably the best ranged damage in the game. Mages also have the unique ability to teleport themselves or entire groups to various major cities and important locations.

Like the Hunter class, all Mage specialization focus on ranged damage, but can provide minor differences. However, unlike most other classes, the optimal choice for a Mage specialization depends on which one can do the most damage with the gear available to you.

All Mage stats: Intellect, spell damage, spell critical strike, haste, spell hit rating and small amounts of ‘mana per 5 sec’. Priest Priests focus in holy and shadow magics, and can fill two roles: Healing HolyRanged damage ShadowDiscipline Somewhere in between Healing and Ranged damage.

The Holy Priest is the embodiment of the classic «traditional» healer in this game. It is a very straightforward specialization that focuses on a large variety of healing ablities. The strength of the Holy Priest is in their versatility in healing methods.

They can cover just about any healing facet and be successful at it, but not necessarily the best at it. Shadow Priests specialize in ranged damage, but they also provide mana to their group while doing damage, which is considered immensely useful when doing things with a group. A Discipline Priest specializes in absorbing damage, but isn’t necessarily more effective at it than a Holy Priest.

Instead, the specialization focuses more on damage output and utility cooldowns, which makes it a useful specialization when fighting other players, but it falls behind when doing other types of content. Holy Priest stats: Intellect, spirit, bonus healing, ‘mana per 5 sec’. Shadow Priest stats: Intellect, spell damage, spirit, ‘mana per 5 sec’, haste, spell hit rating.

How to farm gold in WoW TBC (2.4.3)

burning crusade money making guide
There are many WoW gold making guides that have been outdated since the release of The Burning Crusade. There are so many alternate ways to make gold but there I have found the most profitable ways to crusaxe gold. Every gold farming method seems to result under these categories:. It crusase impossible to quest for gold back before TBC.

Researchers create ‘2D’ gold a million times thinner than a fingernail

Questing is actually a huge part of any time gold income at level Questing can bring you in mountains of gold because most quests include the rewards of both grinding for gold, and makint the questing rewards that you get when you turn in the quest. The best thing about questing is that it does not end! TBC made questing a viable option for Gold farming because there is an endless list of quests.


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