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Do ice road truckers make good money

do ice road truckers make good money

Confession time. Seeing a woman driving a big rig, not to mention one that is easy on the eyes, is not too common. After all, the truck driving industry is dominated by 95 percent male drivers. Kelly, as reported by OverDrivedrives on some of the most dangerous roads in the world, ice roads of arctic territories in Canada and Alaska. First you need to think about what is involved in these high paying, high stakes trucking jobs. Ice roads are constructed by humans as a corridor that goes across otherwise inaccessible terrain. They are by definition frozen, and are typically refrozen each year. Often ice roads are actually frozen ponds, lakes, swamps and rivers that are designated as ice roads for the season. For example, in Alaska the ice road extending from the Arctic Ocean over to Prudhoe Bay, which is one of the longest, has a max speed limit of 10 miles per hour. Why make roads out of ice when airways seem safer? Airplanes are super expensive thanks to fuel costs, construction and maintenance of airports and runways, and hiring personnel. Additionally, when shipments need to be delivered they need to happen on demand to a smaller number of consumers.

Ice trucking is a subset of truck driving that requires a special skill set to pull off. Driving on ice is no cake walk. You will have to contend with the regulatory, geographic, and weather constraints that accompany working as an Ice-Road Trucker. Truckers may encounter avalanches or thin ice. The freezing conditions in some places could make ice roads fracture and steel become brittle leading to truck failure. While it is probably the most dangerous job in professional driving, it is also the most lucrative. Over the course of the short winter season, median ice-road truckers payment is higher compared to regular truckers. What exactly do Ice-Road Truckers do on those long dangerous trips during the winter? Almost everywhere you can find IRT jobs, they usually entail making deliveries of equipment and supplies to businesses that need those items. These are loads that may be too bulky to fly on an airplane.

Education Requirements

The biggest motivation, however, for hiring a trucker in winter is that it saves industries a lot of money. Mining crews are by far the biggest employers of qualified IRT workers in Northern Canada, Wisconsin, and Alaska where equipment, fuel, and food need to be transported at a low cost to oil rigs and gold mines. These deliveries usually take a long time to arrive at their destinations. That is due, in part, to drivers being restricted to driving a little above fifteen miles per hour. As we earlier alluded to driving at this speed does not preclude the possibility of encountering avalanches, blizzards, or fractured roads en route to the destination. Those are some of the very real risks that are associated with taking an IRT job. That is the major reason this line of work has a seventy percent turnover rate of new recruits and truckers unable to continue. Truckers will inevitably, along with the line, encounter temperatures as low as degrees Fahrenheit. They will have to make those trips even as the fuel begins to gel and the vehicle steel gets brittle by the minute. They will have to make sure the truck is in perfect condition because the trip will not include truck stops much fewer repairs should there be a truck failure. To make matters worse, there is the very real possibility of being unable to call for help due to the absence of cell reception.

Resumes and CVs

Okay, so I hear that those ice road truckers get paid a shit load but how much is it really? I get this question a lot, people ask me that to see if all their risk is worth it doing the ice road. They appear to be company drivers from what I have seen and they do really well for each round trip. The pay has to be good so they can do the job, collect their pay and take the rest of the year off if they choose. Drivers who do this on a daily basis come from regions usually which have extreme weather conditions or where they would normally operate in these types of conditions. It would be extremely difficult to even think of doing this type of driving without a fair amount of Winter driving in a drivers history. Knowing how the truck feels on ice and snow, how to react to certain situations and how not to, makes all the difference when driving in weather like this. In my humble opinion, knowing you have to be at the top of the game when having to clutch, match road speed with the correct gear and more. You would not want to grab a wrong gear and shock the drive tires and throw yourself in a drive skid, you would have to have all this knowledge to match road speed on any ice or snow packed road.

Those who are willing to traverse slippery roads in dark conditions are generously compensated, often earning as much in a few months as others do in an entire year. He’ll be back. In addition to years of business and management experience, she has more than 20 years of experience writing for a variety of online and print publications. Ice road truckers must be confident in their driving skills, as wells as knowledgeable about truck maintenance. They face extreme conditions, such as below-zero temperatures, avalanches, whiteouts and thin ice. Besides their regular pay? Ice truckers are employed by trucking companies, either only during the winter months or full-time on other routes. Also it isn’t on History that much anymore. With very little light and no cell-phone reception, ice truck drivers must be prepared for the unexpected. When lakes and roads freeze over in winter months, ice road truckers are needed to carry goods and supplies to and from their destinations.

Education Requirements

With very little light and no cell-phone reception, ice truck drivers must be prepared for the unexpected. There hruckers 5 seasons in all. The more experience you have co on icy roads, the better. Performed in «Ice Road Truckers» in As with all long-haul truckers, the amount ice road truckers are paid depends on the number of miles driven, the type of cargo, hazard level of the route and the employer. There are very few ice trucker jobs available, making it a highly competitive industry for those who want the job. Besides their regular pay? All Rights Reserved.

Risks of Ice Roads

All Rights Reserved. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Hottest Questions. Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions.

Asked in Salary and Pay Rates. How much money do ice road truckers make? How much money do ice road truckers earn? Asked in Salary and Pay Rates How much do ice road truckers make per episode? Asked in Salary and Pay Rates When 5th season will be broadcast ice road truckers? They’ll have to make it first Performed in «Ice Road Truckers» in Played himself in «Ice Road Truckers Canada» in Played himself in «Ice Road Truckers» in It is men and women risking their lives to get oil supplies to the Alaskan Oil Fields.

There are 5 seasons in all. Also it isn’t on History that much anymore. It’s possible there may not be a season 5 of Ice Road Truckers. The History Channel has not released any information regarding it. Hugh is pretty much the star of the. He’ll be. Network dosnt pay them jack. By starting the truck and driving onto it. Trending Questions.

Some jobs capture the imagination. Having never even considered what some people do for money, jobs like an ice road trucker seem at first goos fetched, until you consider the salary. Mony the recent popularity of ice road truckers, lets take a moment to consider how much they earn. The ice mke trucker is a trucker who works primarily during the winter months. During the winter, ponds and lakes freeze over in Canada and Alaska.


Given the incredible amount of snow and freezing temperatures, roads are created on the lakes for trucks to bring in goods. With a window lasting a few months, many towns and cities will rush in supplies while the weather is cold. This need brings in a great demand for experienced individuals, as well as a salary that matches. This however is relatively rare and will depend on who is hiring the trucker. In addition, the increase in price often comes with increased danger as well as a higher expected level of experience in fixing and repairing trucks. In this line of work, nothing is koney then having a firm head on your shoulders.


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