Are you interested in working in the Alaska fishing industry? The fishing industry offers the potential to earn great money in short periods of time. The Alaska fishing industry also has numerous fishing seasons, so you may be able to pick the period of time you desire to work. For many years, college students have been going up to Alaska for the summer salmon fishing seasons to earn money to help pay for college. But, there are also good opportunities to work other times of the year. The Alaska Seafood Industry represents perhaps one of the largest opportunities for people to find work in Alaska. The industry itself is one of the largest hiring forces in terms of available jobs each year, with over 65, people working for the industry. With both seasonal and year-round jobs available these opportunities reflect an industry that makes billions in revenue. As you hoow imagine with such a large industry and with so many jobs filled each year as a result of high demand, there is quite a lot to be done to ensure the world receives its fresh Alaskan fish and seafood. This is largely due to the incredible number of seasonal jobs that people travel long distances in order to occupy. With such a strong demand for work mmoney certain parts of the year, the Alaskan fishing industry becomes one of the best places to earn good money in just a few months.
Where do wanderers go to earn their bread? For example, remote places that people go to work because it pays well? I’ve heard of working on fishing rigs in Alaska; does anyone have information about this or something similar? I’m about to be free of all my obligations in June. I have academic experience in a scientific field I’m not at all interested in any more. I’d like to get a job that I could work for a brief period of time less than 2 years to put money in the bank so I can travel. I’d prefer not to work at a desk. I’d like to escape the conventional middle class working environment. I’m fairly able bodied and open to most anything. I’ve heard of planting trees in Canada, but that sounds like harder work than I’m capable of. Also this is complicated by the fact that I won’t be free until June, and I suspect many seasonal jobs start earlier than that. I’m interested in specifics, especially, like websites that I can go to apply for jobs or places I can travel to where I’ll definitely be able to find work. I’ve known some people who worked on the oil rigs in Alberta, and it paid very well. It’s risky work so don’t do it if you’re a klutz.
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Don’t consider fishing boats in Alaska or, for that matter, fish processing plants in Alaska, which also pay well and are incredibly hard work. Most of the hard working, good paying jobs that I know of require a fair amount of physicality to them and some experience. For example, my neighbor has a fishing boat in Alaska, and he only hires people who have practical experience with doing hard, not fun work. I have a friend who used to go up to Alaska to work for 4 months or so, then come home and live off of it for the rest of the year.
Regional Comparisons
Seafood is a billion dollar industry in Alaska, with more than half of U. That’s a decade-long record high. Salmon harvesting represents half of all fishing jobs in Alaska, with groundfish and halibut following in second and third place, respectively, according to the state’s labor bureau. Because more than 60 percent of all seafood harvesting takes place between June and August, many fisherman have additional jobs. Many areas in Alaska are hot spots for fishing — from Bristol Bay’s seasonal salmon runs to the Bering Sea’s hefty harvests of crab and pollock. Fishermen’s salaries vary regionally because of the different amounts and types of catch in a region, as well as the opportunity for side jobs in the offseason.
Maximizing Efficiency Means Making Money on an Alaska Fish Tender Boat
Is it true that commercial fishermen in Alaska are getting rich? Andy Zuanich explains how deckhand pay is calculated and much more about the Alaska seafood industry. Zuanich has been fishing in Alaska for many years. Some of his insights are included in the excerpt below. I started fishing at the age of 14, so 17 years ago. Our boat is a 58 foot boat that target halibut and black cod using long lining. The boat is based out of Sand Point, Alaska. The job is seasonal, and nothing is guaranteed. If you do your job well, you will be asked to come back for next season. You are payed a percentage based on your level of experience and performance. Besides «on the job» experience, are there any personal qualities you would need in order to get into this unique line of work? An easy going personality is important. Hard work and determination are important too. You can expect a half share of pay, meaning you get paid half of what the experienced guys get.
You guys do this for free!! Posted by howtomakeadollar at AM. To get a fishing job in Alaska, you’ll need to be willing to commit to at least two months for an entry-level position. Alaska, you are first. Flag as The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. AFJC provides a handbook which prepares aspiring crew members with a solid understanding of Alaskan commercial fishing jobs and the industry, the work involved, and the challenges of daily life on a fishing boat. Join Us. As you’ll discover on your job search, it can be very difficult to land a guaranteed job in advance prior to going to Alaska. Answer this question Flag as Newer Post Older Post Home. As is frequently illustrated on TV shows that deal with the Alaskan fishing industry, the captain and rest of the crew can be particularly hard on green hands. Yes, What?? Put the picture on the internet and say an oil person killed it with his greedy smile 6.
Alaska Tender Boat Jobs
Find potential employers. That is why they must catch as much as possible. Al Gore. Asked in Fish How do people who work in fish industry spend their money? Search This Blog. Where you’re from shouldn’t matter. Prepare yourself for challenges and start your job search so that you can get your feet wet in the Alaskan fishing industry. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy.
But where does a prospective Yow greenhorn begin if they want to either work for a summer on a boat or start a full-fledged career? It turns out that inn can start right. Prepare yourself for challenges and start your job search so that you can get your feet wet in the Alaskan fishing industry.
To get iin fishing job in Alaska, you’ll need to be willing to cishing to at least two months for an entry-level position. Also, most entry-level jobs are on salmon boats, so try to be available between May and the beginning of fall, which is when salmon season is.
Since a lot of the hiring in the Alaskan fishing industry is done in-person and by ih of mouth, you may want to go to Alaska and visit a fishing hub to find available positions. To learn how to prepare mentally and physically fishung a fishing job in Alaska, keep reading!
This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited information from 5 references. Categories: Occupations. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy.
Home Categories Work World Occupations. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Learn more Establish fisbing objectives and set your schedule accordingly. Are you trying to start a full-fledged fishung, or are you more interested in getting a short-term entry level job and seeing how things go?
While there are thousands of crew positions iin in Alaska during the summer alaaska demand for hard-working people is high, you don’t have a chance of hoq hired if you can’t set aside alaxka time in your schedule.
Typically you will need a minimum of two months clear to land an entry level job in Alaska. Most entry-level jobs for those makee little or no experience are on salmon boats called trollers, gill netters, and purse seiners. The salmon season begins in May and extends into the fall. Build muscle and endurance. All jobs in the Alaskan fishing industry, and especially entry level jobs, are strenuous and grueling.
You will be placing yourself in a highly stressful and demanding environment. A fishing boat, especially an Alaskan fishing boat, is not a place where you can work yourself into shape. You’ll need to be fit in advance. When getting in shape for a fishing job, it is best to focus on building up functional strength. Being able to run ten miles or bench press pounds won’t do you as much good working 18 hour days on a fishing boat as core stability and overall functionality.
Develop mental and emotional strength. Understand that your body won’t be the only thing that will be tired at the end of an hour day. Your mind will be worn out and your emotions frayed. As is frequently illustrated on TV shows that deal with ffishing Alaskan fishing industry, the fishig and rest of the crew can be particularly hard on green hands. Learn to deal with stress accordingly. Find a way that works for you.
Focus on developing both a learning attitude and a thick skin when it comes to criticism. Assess your financial situation. As the old saying fkshing, sometimes it takes money to make money. As you’ll discover on your job search, it can be very difficult to land a guaranteed job in advance prior to going to Alaska.
Many job seekers have to move to a fishing hub first, and look for a job in person. You’ll need to have the financial wherewithal to secure yourself housing and cover basic expenses hhow you opt for this route. Even if you don’t move to Alaska without a job, planning to get a job in Alaska could compromise your fishingg to take a local job, possibly leaving you stuck at home without a summer monry at all.
Don’t put all your eggs into one basket unless you can afford to have them broken. Find potential employers. This process is probably going to be different than most job searches you have done in the past. As many boats are independent businesses, much of the hiring in the Alaskan commercial fishing industry is done by boat captains rather than an HR and recruiting department.
There are very few resources for greenhorns looking for deckhand jobs — much of the hiring is done in-person and by how to make money fishing in alaska of mouth. There are some jobs you might be able to see on Alaska Job Finder that have been made available online. Alaskan Leader Fisheries also has occasional job alawka and an application process for potential job seekers. Another website that has good resources and guidance for job seekers is Alaska Fishing Jobs Network.
Contact the employers that you have. This is easier said than. Many potential employers might not even have email, relying instead on older technology like telephones and fax machines. If you lack a fax machine, you can send a fax online. Be aware of time zone differences when calling potential employers. The Western Aleutian islands portion of Alaska is an hour further.
Ask employers you contact for additional leads and references. Many employers that you contact will either be fully staffed or not interested in hiring a green hand. However, much of the hiring in the Alaskan fishing industry is done by word of mouth amke referral, and many positions won’t fiishing listed. A captain with a fully crewed boat may know of another captain in desperate need of a deckhand. If you establish good rapport with someone that doesn’t have a spot for you, ask if they know monsy and can refer you to someone that may need your help.
Consider going to Alaska and looking for a job in person. If you want to work in Alaska, your best bet might be planning a trip to look for a job in person. Dutch Harbor, Kodiak, and Naknek are fantastic places for a greenhorn to get started, though there are plenty of others as.
As many positions are not listed online many people are better off going an Alaskan fishing industry hub and looking for a job on person. This may be the only way to have a chance to meet a boat captain and ask them for a job.
If you are unsuccessful getting a job as a deckhand, it is considerably easier to get a job in a seafood processing plant. Processing plants usually pay decent wages and are the first step in the door for many people in the fishing industry. You will need to first get a green card or work visa before you are able to start your fishing job. Yes No. Not Helpful 1 Helpful 7. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 4. Look online for job openings and apply. Where you’re from shouldn’t matter. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 7.
People of all nationalities can get a fishing job in Alaska, as long as they are qualified and legally approved to work in the U. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 5. You have to be over 18 years old, but that alasks be the only age restriction. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 2.
Yes, but not in fishing, since you are a minor. Other jobs — mostly minimum wage jobs — allow a minor to work. Fishjng Helpful 2 Helpful 2. Unanswered Questions. How do I get a fishing job in Alaska if I have no experience? Answer this question Flag as Flag as If I am from North Carolina what is the best way for me to go about getting a fishing job in Alaska? Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Tips While there are many different fisheries in Alaska which target various species at various times, mkae first deckhand job that the vast majority of greenhorns land is on a salmon boat.
If you are lucky enough to find a job on a salmon boat you can fishong your way onto the Cornelia Marie from. AFJC provides a handbook which prepares aspiring crew members with a solid understanding of Alaskan commercial fishing jobs and the industry, the work involved, and the challenges of daily life on a fishing boat. Understand that fishing jobs can be seasonal.
How do I get one? You can get a tishing by purchasing a membership. I lost my AlaskaFishingJobs. Click this link. Forgot your username or password? Can people with no experience get jobs? All deckhands, captains and fishery workers started out as a greenhorns. If you are a mxke worker, want to make a lot of money and follow the system and suggestions outlined in our book, you will have a good chance of getting hired! Do college students on summer break have enough time to get a fishing job in Alaska? The summer fishing season is a uow time for students to work on their time off.
Alaskan Fishing & Seafood Industry Work
Many students earn their way through college by working in Alaska. How much money can a person make? This really depends on the type of job you get, the type of fish being caught, market factors, and how many fish are caught. This book explains the variables to you so you can find the perfect job for you.
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