Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters, chair of the House Financial Services Committee, told CNBC on Wednesday banks have «extraordinarily high» executive salaries and should do more to boost employee pay, because they were helped by the Republican tax cuts and are flush with profits. And so yes, they should do better by employees; they should be increasing the pay. On Wednesday, the CEOs of some of the country’s top banks watesr on Capitol Hill to testify before the House Financial Services Committee on how the industry has changed 10 years after the financial crisis. They were asked questions on kuch from diversity and salaries to Russian accounts and policies involving gun manufacturers. Waters said when the banks received benefits from the tax reform signed by President Donald Trumpthey pledged to invest that money. She said there’s an expectation they will create new programs, mmuch branch banking, reduce costs and take other steps. The ranking member of the Financial Services Committee, Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.
I n , Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif. They added her again in and one more time in This story feels like an extension of the corrupt-but-not-quite-illegal familial kickbacks for which the Waters family has become well-known. She was cleared of the charges in Her grandson was the one who took the fall. And by «took the fall,» I mean he received a reprimand. The reporting showed that her children profited directly from her connections, including that they collected hefty fees from campaigns she had endorsed. The California lawmaker defended herself at the time by saying , «They do their business and I do mine. Beltway Confidential. Washington Secrets. Monday January 20, The woke Left vs.
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Martin Luther King Jr. The group may want to consider saving a spot for Waters for its upcoming report for Karen is in charge of slate mailers, or endorsement mailers, in which candidates pay Rep. Waters’s campaign to appear on mailers that are sent to more than , residents in the South Central Los Angeles area, where Waters holds a good amount of clout. The mailers contain a sample ballot and quotes of support from Waters. Maxine Waters. More Washington Examiner. The woke Left vs. Washington Examiner.
Who Is Maxine Waters?
Democratic Rep. You get what you pay for. Back during the financial crisis of to , which wiped out trillions of dollars of the wealth and retirement savings of middle-class families, we put the two major arsonists in charge of putting out the fire. Former Democratic Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut and former Democratic Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts were the co-sponsors of the infamous Dodd-Frank regulations. That worked out well.
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) Named One of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress
Representative for California’s 43rd congressional district since A member of the Democratic Party , Waters is currently in her 15th term in the House, having served since She previously represented the state’s 29th district — and 35th district — She is the most senior of the twelve black women currently serving in Congress, and she chaired the Congressional Black Caucus from to Before becoming a U. Representative, Waters served in the California State Assembly , to which she was first elected in As an Assemblywoman, she advocated divestment from South Africa ‘s apartheid regime. Bush , George W. Bush , and Donald Trump. Maxine Waters was born in in St. Louis before moving with her family to Los Angeles , California in She worked in a garment factory and as a telephone operator before being hired as an assistant teacher with the Head Start program in Watts in
California’s current delegation to the United States Congress. Waters was chair of the Congressional Black Caucus from to His obsession with television is sometimes painted as a damning metaphor—the megalomaniac leader consumed by the one-way relationship with media, a plugged-in Narcissus, the end result of a nation addicted to constant electronic companionship. She was alluding to her tenure on the House Financial Services Committee, where she has gone toe to toe with Wall Street and helped to temper the subprime mortgage calamity of the late aughts. It functions, I surmise, in the way that television news can function for many of us: nominally benign white noise that could, at any moment, explode. February 21, Republican Party conference. Speaker Nancy Pelosi D. The National Housing Trust was enacted in , but has yet to be funded. In September , Waters arranged meetings between U. The internet can generate a false perception of a person, and Waters is no exception.
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Graves S. But that perception has two sides. Unfortunately I Identify with Tom Steyer. She said, «The Los Angeles Times has had an inordinate effect on public opinion and has used it to harm the local community in specific instances. Lee A. LouisMissouriU. Retrieved January 22, mhch She is building a narrative. Johnson D. Maxine Waters». After the briefest pause, this particular narrative reached its conclusion. You could be forgiven for forgetting that Maxine Waters is not, technically, a celebrity.
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She was alluding to her tenure on the House Financial Services Committee, where she has gone toe to toe with Wall Street and helped to temper the subprime mortgage calamity of the late mazine. And in Maxine Waters, one of the longest-serving public servants in the House of Representatives, the cognoscenti have msking an emblem of humor and justifiable outrage. Jason Parham. Our mpney perception of contemporary politicians—especially in online ports, where brevity is a tool of necessity rather than context—finds substantial root in the decorative vernacular of memes.
She is a welcome fury in a time of feverish strife. But because Waters is a black woman of firm convictions who carries moneg her business in public, appearing on talk shows and calling for impeachment on Twitter, her symbolism has come to convey manifold meanings. She is not simply a veteran lawmaker who voted against the Monye War and has taken on the Tea Party; now, her image consumed and recontextualized by the restless churn of the internet, she has fueled mich movement.
Waters has been memedGIFedquoted, remixed and remixed againand hashtagged a thousand hhow over as a classically trained thrower of shade, a bringer of tea and receiptsa snatcher of wigs, a champion of the people, and a seasoned reader of filth molded in the form of the archetypal Black Auntie. Waters has been memed, GIFed, quoted, remixed and remixed againand hashtagged a thousand times over as a classically trained thrower of shade, a bringer of tea and receipts, a snatcher of wigs, a champion of the people, and a seasoned reader of filth.
But consumption on the internet is an erratic, inequitable matter. It would not be an overestimation to state that the black woman has never had full control of how she is regarded in the registers of the American conscience. The internet can generate a false perception of a person, and Waters is no exception.
US Senator Kamala Harris of California and gospel singer Shirley Caesar mwxine experienced brief streaks of virality, fashioned into emblems meant to capture the tenor of a particular emotion: Harris as the look of unflappable stoicism and Caesar as an anthem of raucous gratitude.
In the course of the past eight months, she has become an unlikely repository for the hopes, expectations, and assumptions of a progressive brigade caught in the conservative hellfire of health care reform and immigration overhaul. But what will we choose to hold onto? But let us not forget why we reached for her in the first place. Life is about not only aspiring to opportunity but about not allowing people to dismiss you, to undermine you, to intimidate you—you have to find a way to not only speak up for uow but to organize with others mudh we can challenge injustice.
More From the Author. He was previously an editor at The Fader and Gawker. Originally from Los Angeles, Parham is the founder of Spooka literary journal for emerging voices. Senior Writer Twitter. Topics memes politics.
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