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Does trump make money from his golf trips

does trump make money from his golf trips

Thank you for being one of our most loyal readers. Please consider supporting community journalism by subscribing. Experts say the deficit is more affected by the Republican tax cut, which alone is projected to increase the shortfall by a trillion dollars over the next decade. Trickle-down economics has again proven to be a lie. All of these expenditures can be debated and their pros and cons argued as policy matters. And we. And while every large program can find examples of waste and corruption, one glaring and unnecessary source of corruption is within the White House. The biggest and most public abuse of taxpayer funds by Trump is his golf habit. But since taking office, Trump has been on a golf course, mostly his, times as of Sept. The issue is not that any president plays golf.

1. Trump’s hotels

The exact amount cannot be determined because the White House refuses to reveal how many Trump aides have been staying at his properties when he visits them and will not turn over receipts for the charges incurred. Over that period, Trump had golfed 25 times. As of Wednesday, he has spent days at a golf course he owns. The issue is that he has spent a huge amount of his presidency making promotional appearances at his struggling golf courses, and leaving taxpayers to foot the bill. Trump, like many Republicans, repeatedly criticized then-President Barack Obama for playing golf so frequently during his years in office. My company is in great shape. During his campaign for the Oval Office, Trump claimed that as president, he would be too busy working to have time for any vacations at all. I just want to stay in the White House and work my ass off. Despite those remarks, Trump is on schedule to spend far more time on the golf course than Obama did.

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Further, Obama played the majority of his rounds at courses on military bases within a short drive of the White House, while Trump has insisted on taking numerous trips to visit his courses in New Jersey and Florida, both of which require seven-figure travel and security costs. Wednesday was his 58th day golfing at his course in West Palm Beach. He has golfed 77 days at his Bedminster, New Jersey, course; 77 days at his Northern Virginia course; four times at his Jupiter, Florida, course; three times in Doonbeg; twice in Turnberry; and once each at his courses in Los Angeles and Doral, Florida. Since taking office, he has golfed only twice on a course he does not own, both times in Japan at the invitation of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during official visits. As usual when presidents visit war zones, the trip was kept secret beforehand.

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Trump considered canceling his trip to Ireland when the Irish prime minister, Leo Varadkar, scoffed at meeting at his golf course, the Irish Times reported in May. The president would have likely traveled to Scotland, where he has two golf courses. Instead, the men two agreed to meet at the Shannon airport. It marks the second time he has visited one of his properties outside the United States since he was sworn into office. The White House and Trump Organization did not respond to requests for comment. After landing in Ireland, Trump told reporters that he was not there to promote his resort. And I really wanted to do this stop in Ireland.

It’s cost an unknown number of millions to protect the Trump family as it flies around the world.

On Aug. The president to date has spent The second number is a bit more challenging to derive with precision. The number would necessarily include costs like transportation, security, and other logistical support, but how these items are calculated involves estimates or assumptions. One example of the kind of choices people estimating these costs have to make, they noted, concerns how much of the per-hour Air Force One cost to add to the golf outing calculation:. The HuffPost analysis took a conservative approach to determining costs. The These differences are negligible if you take into account how precise the above numbers actually are, however.

2. Trump campaign events at Trump properties.

In fact, since Trump got to D. Secret Service tasked with the job of protecting Trump. After the election, Trump signaled he would spend a great deal of time at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. He watches TV and tweets and plays golf. I had a problem with Obama and Bush’s vacations, because he got nothing done. These extraordinary numbers appear easy to explain. He is stealing millions. Cognizant of how a foreign visit solely for a golf vacation might look, the White House tried to arrange some type of official meeting with Irish leaders for weeks after it began planning the Doonbeg trip. And past presidents took vacations all the time too, and so this is nothing new. You can sign in to vote the answer. Pearl Lv 7. Nepal rescuers forced to call off search for trekkers.

Where does Trump go?

And don’t tell me he donates his does trump make money from his golf trips salary. He is stealing millions. Housing expenses are accelerated, when out of Washington D. They would be with him no matter.

So it’s a crap number. Firstly, none of this is accurate. I don’t know where the figures are coming from, but different sources have wildly different numbers.

So just make something up, if it makes you feel better. But he has gotten way more done than any president, and he deserves to take a vacation once and a. And past presidents took vacations all the time too, and so this is nothing new. Yea, Trump likely has to have more security because the left is so psychotic, and threatening his life all the time, but past presidents would vacation just as much or.

And I know Obama used to fly into where I live in California all the time on secret golf trips. I remember one time I even saw Air Force 1 fly over the freeway myself, and was like, wtf? And it was weird, because I never heard anything about it. But then after he left, I heard one mention on local news saying he flew into town to play some golf, and then left, and was just visiting on a leisure trip which the news person mentioned he frequented the particular golf course.

So I guess it happened all the time. Yet, the sources on the internet that mention Obama’s golf trips, never mention he even went there, yet he supposedly went there «frequently» but told nobody about it One source claimed Obama had golf trips during his time in office.

However, per Wikipedia, they say he only took 29 vacations with vacation days total. Something is quite off there And according to Wikipedia, the last three presidents vacations were listed as follows, which probably doesn’t include them all except I don’t know what to make of the numbers for Bush, Wikipedia has been invaded by super leftists, so it could be exaggerated to make him look bad, as though he needed that, but I don’t know if I should be more pissed at him, or some liar troll on Wikipedia messing with numbers, but I wouldn’t rely on them is all I’m saying :.

I had a problem with Obama and Bush’s vacations, because he got nothing. However, Clinton got a lot done, so I don’t have a problem with his vacations.

And I don’t with Trump. He’s like a machine. He is non-stop working, even on his vacations. Not the same for Bush and Obama. When they vacationed, they really vacationed. Trump is the laziest president. He watches TV and tweets and plays golf. And promotes his properties. Those were largely for him and his family as.

Everything he does is self-serving. David: President Obama did not profit from any private businesses by using his office and did not loot. Trending News. At least 2 dead, 15 hurt in Missouri shooting: Police. Jennifer Aniston blames ‘peer pressure’ for decision.

Was this the last, best shot for Aaron Rodgers? Nancy Pelosi’s daughter raises Trump security issue. Brady ready for ‘whatever the future may bring’. The Rock shares heartfelt posts about late father. FBI seizes site that sells data breach information. Nepal rescuers forced to call off search for trekkers. Dressed to impress: Niners pick Super Bowl uniforms. Both sides cite dangers in run-up to Senate trial. Answer Save. Doris Lv 7. They will say «that makes him smart.

Pearl Lv 7. Godless Gazoo Lv 7. How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer. George W. Mike Lv 7. Still have questions? Get your answers by asking .

At Trump’s L.A. golf course, business is no longer a gimme

President Donald Trump frequently uses his luxury properties for dooes business and leisure, prompting ethics concerns over a president appearing to promote his private enterprise at public cost. The NBC News digital politics team and the White House unit are tracking Trump’s visits to his properties and golf courses since his inauguration. He’s spent «working monej at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf cluband as well as a handful of days at Trump Tower in Manhattan. Does trump make money from his golf trips also frequents his golf course in Sterling, Virginia, near Washington, and his luxury hotel, Trump International, just blocks from the White House — and sometimes will visit multiple properties on the same day.

2020 Elections

On a July trip to the U. Trump visited his golf clubs more than times in his first official year in office, and at least 77 times in his second year in office. Hsi, the precise number of times Trump dos actually played golf is difficult to track. His administration has tried to hide Trump’s mpney, keeping his traveling press pool away and often refusing to confirm whether he has played golf. Instead, social media has become a source of crowd-sourced reporting into the president’s whereabouts. During the campaign, Trump argued that Americans should vote for him because he would rarely leave Washington. He promised that he wouldn’t go golfing or take vacations because there was too much work to. And prior to his run for president, Trump spent years attacking President Barack Obama for golfing and taking voes while in office. Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U. Worse than Carter. With the exception of extended stays at his golf resort in Bedminster, Trump usually frequents his properties on weekends. Trump has referred to his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, as the » Southern White House » — and that’s where he’s hosted foreign leaders like President Xi Jinping of China and directed the launch of a strike against a Syrian airbase. The president’s trips can cost taxpayers millions of dollars because of the use of Air Force One and the expenses of the Secret Service, the Air Tri;s, local sheriff’s departments, the Coast Guard and other agencies.


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