![reddit swtor money making reddit swtor money making](https://i.redd.it/wb4ts18d5o801.jpg)
Filters Search By Flair. View All Upcoming Events. Question How reddit swtor money making earn credits fast? What is the easiest way to farm credits? Heroics if you’re at the level cap. Selling lightsaber cystals and dyes also brings in a fair amount of credits on gtn. Pick up biochem or Artifice, stims or dyes respectively, and you’re rolling in it. You might find the initial grind too much effort but it’s doable in like a couple of days of leisurely play, and then it’s just something you have to set up to happen in the background while you do other things. Easy, quick, big money. Alternatively, playing the market.
Farming, Crafting or Playing the GTN, which is the most beneficial way for you to make money in the game?
Filters Search By Flair. View All Upcoming Events. Discussion The choice between making credits or getting gear self. Was going to comment on another thread, but then I got thinking that this is sort of it’s own deal. With 6. Rerolling amplifiers will get expensive. Crafting is expensive and RE chances for new schematics are high which drives that price even more. The content that gives gear or boxes are not paying very well. I have only moved some mods here and there, repair gear and send comps out to gather and while doing fps, my money is almost completely stagnant. I’m just not making any money to do other things that I would like when I get better gear like augmenting, and rerolling amplifiers. I feel I will have to actively go do older content just to make money and get no other perks. Maybe that’s the idea, but it’s just unique.
Slicing & Underworld Trading
Edit: another way I’ve thought about is missing out on Tech fragments and simply selling all your gear drops for money that way instead of disintegrating, but that’s still trading money for gear Even if that means giving smaller ones to easy planets looking at you Coruscant , or multiple boxes for longer ones like Hoth. It doesn’t have to be the total vendor price, but maybe half the vendor price so you also get some creds too.
Filters Search By Flair. View All Upcoming Events. Discussion Earning credits. What methods do you guys use?
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Thanks for the credit. Third parties provide additional benefits or discounts in a marketing exchange. If someone is overcutting in an empty market and no one is buying, can’t you just reset the market by putting them up for what you feel is an appropriate price? If you do not wish to follow this link, simply close this message. Which brings me to how much to undercut.
Then there makng those he is probably talking about who treat the GTN like the Ferengi: Trying to rip off as many as they can before getting caught. Companions with no love gifts are harder, but the expense is reasonable. Unfortunately for the website, selling advertisements poses two major problems. Some methods swtoe simple and fast, others are slow, but more rewarding. Thanks for the credit. Popular Courses. I would literally use only those skills. If someone is overcutting in an empty market and no one is buying, can’t you just reset the market by putting them up for what you feel is an appropriate price? I completely agree that if a market is saturated koney should just walk away for a while instead of continuing to undercut. Taking slicing with every new character : Lockbox nodes are free credits plain and simple and running early lockbox missions is a profitable venture. Related Articles.
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Log In Play Free. In this forum there is another thread that goes into «How to make 20 million credits a week». In fact you will find the OP and my first comments on the second page. DarthTHC and I are mostly on the same page. One problem is that his OP is now out-of-date: most of his item values are inflated. Not that big a deal because the message is still accurate. The primary point where he and I diverge is that of time spent. DarthTHC said that he tries to logon every 90 minutes or so throughout the day.
For most players this is an impractical goal; most players cannot or do not want to spend that kind of time working the GTN in this game. Therefore the goal of «20 million credits a week» is all but unreachable. Does that mean one cannot make a fortune of credits in this game? It will just take longer. The intent of this post and thread is to give general information regarding my own time tested reddt to create that fortune.
DarthTHC had a lot of things right: Don’t spend credits if you do not absolutely have to: saving credits is as important as making. Make credits not stuff : be aware of the values of materials and crafted goods because many times the materials are valued higher. And do not be picky about what in fact makes credits. Just because you thought item X would be profitable and it is swfor, and items A, B, and C are profitable but you thought they would not be does not mean that the crew skill is broken Making credits at the level cap is much easier than while leveling : Because of having all your companions, and the ability to do dailies, and the fact that you no longer have to spend credits on training, and many other mondy that are slipping my mind, waiting until a character gets to the level cap is an excellent strategy.
Taking slicing with every new character : Lockbox nodes are free credits plain and simple and running early lockbox missions is a profitable venture. Now I would add: Patience is as much a commodity as credits: starting from nothing, if you try to make millions overnight you will probably fail. Yes, there are plenty of exceptions, but they are just that: exceptions. Assume you will be the norm swtro than the exception and you are already much better off. This means starting slowly and letting your credit making snowball over time.
But because of their lower overall value, it takes more sales to get to the total credit value. And what helps with quantity, with 4. While Influence Rank 10 and what was formerly known as max affection result in the same base crit chance, there are no more companion specific bonuses.
But do not fret, for 60k credits per companion you cant get up to influence rank Companion gifts generate a LOT more influence and a single stack of grade 1 gifts from the vendor on fleet will get a companion with a love gift to about rank Companions with no love gifts are harder, but the expense is reasonable.
Diversity is a key to success: if you only craft one item for sale and that item no longer sells or the market crashes, you are screwed. Whether you have one character or a dozen, diversity in what you sell will calm the ebbs and flows of the GTN supply and demand markets.
You need to market watch. Simply crafting stuff because you can and hope that it sells at a profit is not good business. Tracking of data in a document is one way to handle this but it is time consuming and IMO unnecessary.
Before you jump into a market, reedit a look at what the item is selling for over the course of a few days to a week. Lastly, Pricing. All too often, I see items posted at either the default value or at values well below the rest.
Why does this happen? I can only surmise that the players are not bothering to check what the current market value is. But why not? Mxking search Sort by price or unit price selling stackable items you are better off sorting by unit price And there you have it the lowest current price of that item BUT WAIT!
Take a look at the first page of items listed. Is the lowest price close to the next or the next? I have found that one need not always undercut the absolute lowest price to generate a sale especially on items that are bought en masse, like many item mondy. Put a little thought into your pricing. If item X’s lowest price is 10k and there is only one or two of them and the next lowest is 20k, why post under 10k when the item will most likely sell at just below 20k?
Which brings me to how much to undercut. So why should you undercut by more than a handful of credits? I hope this helps all you budding crafting czars. Questions and contributions are always welcome.
JordainVentura Great Mqking. Hoshkar Looks pretty much like what I do. They get bought out pretty fast, almost always under the price it costs to even make the items that is if I don’t buy them out myself and relist. Best advice ever though, never flood the market. JamieKirby Very good post indeed, the problem with the GTN and its player driven economy, crafters tend to makiny the pricing, screwing over gatherers, so they can buy materials for as low price as possible and sell their crafted items as high as possible, even when its not worth it.
I mean, i have seen level 17 armorings being sold for like 20k each, i mean thats just insane, you can make a level 17 armoring for like cr, depending on how well your Underworld Trading missions go, so why sell it for 20k? Trevormortis Nice post and thanks for not giving anything too indepth away Reddot, if anything comes from this, it would be that people would stop the insane undercutting that happens. I’m on Harbringer also and see some crazy things. Quote: Originally Posted by JamieKirby. Grayseven I agree with almost.
Swto I don’t agree on is under cutting. To me, this is leaving credits in the pockets of your customer that could have been in your. I’m not saying sell for the highest price, but never sell to lose money.
If a market is swtkr and the undercutting is fierce put those items into storage until the storm passes and give something else a shot. To an extent I also disagree that you can’t make credits while leveling. My current leveling project has made over 5 million credits while being entirely self-sufficient. I agree that you should wait to level a crafting and mission skill until you hit end cap and that you should always take slicing for the free credits but by taking 2 additional gathering skills you can earn credits by the bucket full and have enough credits at end game to level a craft and mission skill as well as fully augment some gear.
Like anything worthwhile you have to learn your subject and make the effort. Quote: Originally Posted by Grayseven. DarthTHC Thanks for the credit. Wouldn’t mind you removing the link to my original. I think it’s all but dead. It is now out of date. Read on in the thread for a better approach based on the 2. I only add some details here to compliment your OP. My goal is easy profit, not maximized profit.
Work it up to via lockbox missions. Atchain run «Unsliceable? Sell the Bio-Mechanical Interface Chips for 16, per stack of 99 never less, but more if your server supports it and the Thermal Regulators in stacks of multiples of 4 for the going rate. Read the OP for pricing strategy. It’s right on and better than what I wrote originally.
Sell in full stacks of Sell ’em all in full 99 stacks. Sell the MGI’s in full stacks and the gifts in stacks no bigger than I would literally use only those skills. The other skills all require more work than the ones I listed.
Remember what I said at the top — my rdddit is quick, easy profit; not maximized profit. Maximizing profit involves a lot more work.
Swtor: Top 5 ways to make credits!
Filters Search By Flair. View All Upcoming Events. Discussion How many credits is too many credits? I’ve been playing off and on since the beta; usually I come back for a couple of months when I actually have some excess free time or I finish a big project and just need to rest my brain. I came back a few weeks ago to my normal «Crap, all these things are so disorganized! One of the things I put up for a ridiculous amount of credits was bought within a few minutes making me think that my idea of ridiculous isn’t that ridiculous [apparently inflation has occurred and people are rich]. But when the purchase cleared and the credits showed up, I felt a little weird.
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Now that I have more than 10 million credits, I feel super rich, but I guess I don’t know what super rich really means anymore. All of those words are just to say, «what do people usually spend their money on? What are your thoughts on the economy overall? I’d say most players that regularly play have between million credits stored up. Making credits is pretty easy, especially when you have a good chunk of investment cash flipping cartel items, buying mats for endgame crafting. I wish I had that much money. Grinding the credits like other people do is just exhausting, though that might just be because I have too many alts. You said it all, basically. If you’re not spending it on Endgame gear, you’re spending it on CM items, though Strongholds seem to be the ultimate Credit Sink.
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