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World of tanks money making premium ability

world of tanks money making premium ability

World of Tanks is oremium favorite game. It’s the only one I play Read More. You aren’t going to learn anything new on this site But at least you can check out some good game results from better players. Nothing clever to say .

This guide for World of Tanks game contains not only information to help completely beginners which start the gameplay and try to understand basic rules in the «tanks’ world», but also a bunch of tips which can be useful for more advanced players. In addition it contains a short description of most popular game vehicles and their characteristics, as well as methods to defeat them. Slawomir «Asmodeusz» Michniewski www. Guide contains : pages, images, 7 maps and annotated illustrations. World of Tanks is a team-based massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armored warfare. Throw yourself into the epic tank battles of World War II with other steel cowboys all over the world. Your arsenal includes more than armored vehicles from America, Germany, and the Soviet Union, carefully detailed with historical accuracy. A flexible system of authentic vehicle upgrade and development allows you to try any of the vehicles and weapons in the game. Whether you prefer to exhaust your foes with fast and maneuverable light tanks, make deep breaches in enemy lines with all-purpose medium tanks, use the force of giant tanks to eliminate opposing armored forces, or become a heavy sniper with long-range howitzers, each unit type has its own advantages and can be extremely effective when operated by a true tank ace. But being a great tank commander alone isn’t enough to win! Victory is achieved by combining your combat skills with those of the other members of your team, each playing their own role on the battlefield.

Just add your favorite strategy to build your own iron empire and manifest the indisputable authority of the tank! The Ultimate Armored Warfare Experience Dive into intense tank-on-tank combat to enjoy an amazing new battlefield experience with a balance of multiple genres. Authentic models and vehicle characteristics make you feel like a real tank commander taking part in a furious armored offensive. Research your available upgrades and modifications to enhance its performance on the battlefield. Take part in joint operations to spot, track, and destroy enemy units and engage in head-to-head duels where your speed and reaction time is as important as in any co-op shooter.

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A premium tank’s credit value is equal to its gold value times Permanently enriched with credit coefficient this tank makes money at tier X. But if you want more, you may purchase additional slots for gold each. From experience, I believe the KV is the best moneymaker, as ive made 15k on a bad battle and up to 35k on good ones. The ATA has a nice blend of armor and firepower but lacks in mobility which might turn off some people from purchasing it. You and your teammates want to get any red tank destroyed as soon as possible ASAP. Are premium tier 8 tanks better than premium tier tanks when it comes to crew credit making in FL then the Lowe and all slow heavies are not that good for the Most are from or from some jackass who plays WOT Blitz. Now, after playing the tiger 1, and my arty, im lossing money, so i need to know is the T34 still the best credit money maker, or is there a better tank out now?

Might put it on my wish list unless i found a great New Premium tanks. A good option for the beginners is the KV-1 tank. It’s been a while since I played this game and planning to Grind yet again to save enough money for my Tier X that i wasn’t able to buy back then. Please log in to reply. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. KV-5 is surprisingdly a very good earner too.

German tank destroyers. Creating makinf, selecting region, activating codes Dictionary For beginners. Edited by face4stas, 20 January — PM. But that gun has very good pen and alpha combo so u really don’t need it unless face to face with a one shot tier 8 or 7. He costs far less than other premium tanks. Chinese tanks. Sadly, on higher tiers practically every battle ends with a loss of some credits.

Jump to content. AxtheCool, on 20 January — PM, said:. Proud community pledge signer. The master of extreme ping. Medium addict and gold spammer. Otherwise any high damage high penetration tank that doesn’t need gold. Kv1 and Hetzer are great examples in lower tiers.

AxtheCool, on 20 January — AM, said:. It combines cheap ammo with low cost of repairs and puts out a ton of dpm if used correctly. I can make more money in that tank than in a few of my premiums. And it’s more than capable of tangling with tier 7 and 8 tanks when used conservatively. I beleive that WG created the T as a premium for ppl that don’t buy or can’t buy premiums. It’s awesome, k profit games are routine in that tank. At tier six that is insane.

But keep in mind i roll mine with a fully trained crew and rammer, v stab, and gun LD. Plus consumables, i carry a repair kit, multi kit, and a speed boost to get outta tight spots.

I don’t use stuff unless i need it. The prammo for instance can get pricey. But that gun has very good pen and alpha combo so u really don’t need it unless face to face with a one shot tier 8 or 7. I know some great players are hip to this tank, i’ve done close to 4k dmg with killz in it and never come close to mastery on it. That tells me some heavy hitters are using it on the regular.

If you can do really well sniping in a JPanther, that may be a good tank for you, although your damage rates may not be super high. Community Forum Software by IP. Please log in to reply. What in your guys opinion is the best tank for money making. Please do not include premium tanks like T34 and IS6 or. KV-5 is surprisingdly a very good earner.

I recently discovered it for. It has a very good DPM for a tier 8 heavy. It is a bit easier to make a high damage in KV-5 and when credit incolme basically is a function of the damage made you earn.

Edited by face4stas, 20 January — PM. KV-3 does well for credit grinding. Any tier Vll or Vlll that you really like. The running costs are usually pretty low at these tiers but they are high enough up the tree that they gross enough credits. It is a bit easier to make a high damage in KV-5 and when credits are basically is a function of the damage made you earn.

Well, from my experience the LTP made some good credits. If you want a non-premium credit grinder, use the SU mm gun with HE and profit. Proud community pledge signer The master of extreme ping Medium addict and gold spammer «This brew is making me belch flame, hey I could use that! AxtheCool, on 20 January — PM, said: What in your guys opinion is the best tank for money making.

IS6 premium for sure. AxtheCool, on 20 January — AM, said: What in your guys opinion is the best tank for money making. Thx all of you guys because I have SU and I use the derp gun an d I know the feeling when you one shot a full health T29, T20 and other ones from the.

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Top 5 best money makers (updated) — World of Tanks

I tried out Premium Account but found that i couldnt really play very often due to work and i would miss out on daily missions, xp bonus. While it was really gd in moey through tech tree lines, any time that i could moneu play was money wasted. I got a premium tank instead so that i can play anytime i want and still earn credits, albeit lesser.

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If you want to get gold instead, a gd suggestion would be to wait until the end of the year for the Christmas Loot Boxes. Those offer a mix of gold, premium account time and sometimes good tanks. However, i got some premium tanks no is-3a sadly and a Santa commander. So imo its a pretty gd bargain. For those who have quite afew premium tanks already, you will abilitty get an increased amount of gold as any duplicate tanks u get from lootboxs will be converted to gold. Lastly, if you want to look at Premium Account, i have included the breakdown of avg cost per day of the Prem time packages in gold. I regularly stop playing for a few weeks or months when I get wrecked by arty too many times in a rowso I eorld want to get a Premium account. Also when I do have it I feel that I have to play, even when I don’t want to. That’s counter-fun. I feel like Premium time for like a weekend or three days in a row should be cheaper. They could also do something where you buy slightly more expensive Premium time, but it’s only active when you’re actually playing a battle and it doesn’t expire. Or maybe they could let your turn specific battles into Premium battles with some gold like gold. I feel maming boosters fill the abioity some. You can bump up exp, credits or what ever for a short period of time.


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